Thinkers Tonic Africa. Vol 44
Thinkers Tonic Africa. Vol 44
1. No peace, no pleasure.
2. If you truly love yourself, you will maintain your peace, because trouble have its own way of troubling you.
3. The beauty of I'm sorry is the peace it would bring to you.
4. Dare to be the first to say I'm sorry, if you understand the importance of peace.
5. If you are a peace maker, if I'm a peace maker, together we will keep our nation out of fear.
6. Peace is as important as life, take peace out of a place, if you want to see the end of the place.
7. The devil will have no one to control if everyone is living with the mission to protect his peace.
8. A relationship is as strong as the understanding of the people about the meaning of peace.
9. If you cares to love me, if I cares to love you, together we won't struggle to live in peace.
10. Parents who cannot live together in peace today will raise aggressive children tomorrow.
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* Passion to give is the power to live.
Yomi Ariyo is an inspiration entrepreneur, a philanthropy. We will appreciate it so much if you can extend your hands of charity to the needy & less privileged in here. We are trying to help there world but it would be more green if you can support our mission to transform there lives.
The positive steps you are taking today will lead you to a world of harvest tomorrow.
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Yomi Ariyo
Founder: Thinkerstonic Cares
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